Former member of the Fine Arts Committee in the Jeddah Chamber
Former member of the Arts Committee in the Jeddah Municipality
Former member of the Culture and Arts Association in Jeddah - JSFT
Bachelor of Art: Islamic Arts, King Abdualziz University
Attended several courses in drawing, photography and Arabic
A plastic art trainer in more than one institute and center
Participated in more than 50 local and international exhibitions
More than 30 workshops inside and outside the Kingdom
I did my personal exhibition with a live show on the NFT network
The most important of which is the Makkah International
Beautification Competition with a mural of more than 75 m
in length in one of the most famous Islamic sites in Makkah
Al-Mukarramah, where I received the award from the advisor
to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Emir of Makkah
Al-Mukarramah Region, His Royal Highness Prince Khaled Al-Faisal
Posts of the Municipality of Jeddah and Makkah With certificates of
thanks and shields for participation
Important Works
A mural of beautifying Makkah Al-Mukarramah with a length of 75m
and a mural in the new King Abdul Aziz Airport with a length of 36m.
Seagulls model on the waterfront, 3m long
Many prizes for local and Gulf competitions
Second place at the level of the Arabian Gulf in the visual arts
competition. I was honored to receive the award from Sheikha
Suad Al-Sabah at Kuwait