D. Mohammad Kanani


Drawing, Sculpture, Krvek
- Accommodation: Iraq / Baghdad
- Bachelor of Fine Arts / Drawing / Baghdad University / College of Fine Arts
- Master of Fine Arts / Contemporary Art / Jamaahibgdad / College of Fine Arts
- Doctor of Philosophy Fine Arts / Jamaahibgdad / College of Fine Arts
- Member of the National Commission of Fine Arts in Iraq / aii))
- Member of International Association of Fine Arts
- Member of the Iraqi Plastic Artists Society
- Member of Iraqi Artists Association
- Member of the General Secretariat of the Arab Plastic Artists Union
- Member of Iraqi calligraphers
- Member of the Board of Baghdad's cultural
- Member of the Federation of Iraqi Writers
- Plastic art critic - has many research studies and articles in Fine Art criticism published in magazines and newspapers, Iraqi and Arab
- Managing editor of the academic specialist and the Court
- He has several years of art in the country shows, including:

  • Art in the Iraqi Department of Fine Arts (1992, 1995.1996, 1998, 1999.2000, 2001, 2002.2008)
  •  Festival of July / Department of Arts, Baghdad (1993, 1997, 1999.2000, 2002)
  •  Babylon International Festival (1997-1999)
  •  Festival Wasti (1991-1994)
  •  gallery layouts / Arts Center (1991-1994)
  •  Faculty of Fine Arts Exhibition (1991, 1992.1993)
  •  gallery of contemporary Iraqi art Iraqi Plastic Artists Society (1993-2011)
  •  Contemporary Iraqi Art Gallery (room dialogue, the Hall effect, the Hall of colors, Anpata Hall, the Hall of the gallery, the Hall of CKD, the Hall of Balance, Hall Orfali, chisels from 1997 to 2011)
  •  inaugural exhibition (Hall of colors, the Hall of dialogue, the Hall of the scale, said Hall, Hall agreed, the Hall of orbits, the Hall of the Tigris)
  •  Asfar Iraqi gallery / art experiences Altsaina has introduced 12 artists on the Assembly Hall of the Fine Iraqis Center in 2002
  •  gallery of nature, Orfali Baghdad Hall / Hall appointed Baghdad
  •  Biennial Exhibition of Baghdad, the Third World art exhibition / art department / Baghdad / 2002
  •  Sculpture Exhibition of Contemporary Iraqi / 1995 Hall of Chisels
  •  Sculpture Exhibition of contemporary Iraq - Iraqi Plastic Artists Society 1998
  •  Sculpture Exhibition of contemporary Iraq - Iraqi Plastic Artists Society 2010

- Foreign Posts:

  •  gallery of contemporary Iraqi art - Jordan - Iraqi Plastic Artists Society Hall of dimensions 1991
  •  gallery of contemporary Iraqi art - Damascus - Iraqi Plastic Artists Society 2002
  •  gallery of contemporary Iraqi art - Tunisia - Krajnik 2002
  •  gallery of contemporary Iraqi art - United Arab Emirates, Sharjah Biennial, 2002
  •  a joint exhibition of five artists - the territory of Murcia - Spain 1995
  •  Joint exhibition of a group of artists in the world art thumbnails America - New York 2000
  •  Joint exhibition planning, art, Finland 1996
  • Joint exhibition obelisks - Paris 2010

- Personal Exhibitions

  •  personal exhibition first / College of Fine Arts - Baghdad / 1990 - under the title Fanator
  •  Personal exhibition Thani / College of Fine Arts - Baghdad / 1991 - under the title thumbnails
  •  Personal exhibition's third / Youth Union - Baghdad / 1993 - free practice
  •  fourth solo exhibition / Hall appointed - Oman / 1997 - optical surfaces
  •  fifth solo exhibition / Hall of Contemporary Art - Morocco / 2001 - the identities of memory
  •  sixth solo exhibition / Hall orbits - Iraq / 2009 - memory and place

Honors and Awards:

  •  Creativity Award and the Ministry of Culture of Iraq - Baghdad / 2000 in Alkravek
  •  Prize innovation and the Ministry of Culture of Iraq - Baghdad / 2002 in drawing
  •  first prize / label medical - France 1989
  •  Award Judging Committee - Competition Shakir Hassan Al Said - Hall after 2001


  •  Certificates - Iraqi Plastic Artists Society - Artists Association - Ministry of Culture
  •  National Center of Intellectual Property Rights - the Festival of the Book of Natural Disasters - House Cultural Affairs
  •  University of Baghdad and the Ministry of Education / Committee Film Festival - Faculty of Fine Arts / Baghdad

- Participation in numerous conferences and cultural seminars inside and outside the country in the field of culture and the arts, science and evolutionary philosophical seminars and conferences
- Many of his books and studies and textbooks - Faculty of Fine Arts - Fine Arts Institute - Medical College of Technology
- Has three books

  •  the logic of knowledge between science and art
  •  Introduction to contemporary philosophical thought camel
  •  abstraction in the visual field - a model drawing the Iraqi

- Member of the Coordinator for Iraqi Plastic Artists Society with the Agency for International Arts
- Served as head of the Fine Arts / Faculty of Arts, Baghdad University, 2007
- Works a professor of art criticism and aesthetic studies of the initial studies and upper
- Work in the field of arbitration committees for many festivals and exhibitions in the Fine Arts Department of Arts - Association of Alchkyin Iraqis - private room

15th Luxor International Painting Symposium