Milan Pantelic


Milan Pantelic was born on 1 January 1986 in Sabac, Serbia. He graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts (2010) in Belgrade. Received a PhD degree in Applied Painting from the Faculty of Applied Arts (2018) in Belgrade. Works as an associate in teaching  at the same Faculty. Had 11 solo exhibitions in Serbia and participated at international and domestic 40 group exhibitions. He has 10 mosaics and wall paintings in public places in Serbia. Winner of 7 international awards for painting... Lives and works in Belgrade

Solo exhibitions:

2019.: Gallery Artium, Kragujevac, Serbia

2019.: City Gallery, Pozega, Serbia

2019.: NLB Bank Gallery, Belgrade, Serbia

2018.: Gallery "Sreten Stojanovic", Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina

2018.: "Transformation of reality into image", commercial gallery, Belgrade

2017.: "Transformation of reality into image", National Museum, Sabac, Serbia,

2014.: "Industrialization of portrait", Zecevic Gallery, Belgrade

2014.: "Communication", gallery "Art 55," Nis

2014.: "Dialog", Gallery of cultural Centre, Sabac

2014.: "Industrialization of movement", Gallery of cultural Centre of Gradac, Raska, Serbia

2014.: Cultural Centre of Kovin, Serbia;

Prizes and awards:

2019: First prize for Drawing, KC Gallery, Sabac;

2016: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development scholarship for exceptionally

        talented PhD students;

2015: first prize at the October Salon exhibition, National Museum Sabac;

2015: Third prize at the exhibition Art Youth Salon, MMC Gallery, Novi Pazar

12th Luxor International Painting Symposium