Nabeel Ali


• Born in Baghdad 1980

• Teacher of pictorial composition at the Faculty of Basic Education, Art Department

• Diploma from Fine Arts Institute, Baghdad, 2003

• Bachelor Degree from Faculty of Fine Arts, Baghdad, 2009

• Member of Iraqi Artists' Syndicate

• Member of Graphic/ Plastic Arts Association



Personal Fairs

• Fist Personal Fair (The Female Has Talk and Music) on Businessmen Forum Gallery , Amman, Jordan, 2017

• Second Personal Fair (Paper Boats) in Kehela Gallery for Fines, Cairo, Egypt, 2017

Awards & Certificates

• Received top prize at Kelwatha Cultural Festival , Baghdad, 2019

• Awarded Prize Three by Eshtar Festival  for Youth 2015

• Awarded Appreciation Certificate at Eshtar Festival for Youth 2017

• Awarded several appreciation certificates in Itaq and abroad

• Awarded the first prize at  (Youth Creativity & Recognition) Fair, Iraqi Ministry of Culture 2019


12th Luxor International Painting Symposium