Ekaterina Grechani



1995-2001         The St. Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design­
                           Faculty of Monumental Art. Diploma of fine art restorer

2009-2011         The Russian State Pedagogical University named after Alexander Herzen
                          Intensive piano course, Intensive music and computer technology course

Professional Achievements:

2018                 Participated in the “Space Paradoxes” Lights Festival in the former tsar residence of Gatchina; as part of the team, developed the creative idea and engineered a light                                show ­art object - the Möbius strip

2016                 Joined Artists Trade Union of Russia

2011                 Creative director and host of the folklore program for the International “Peter-Mama” Festival, celebrating motherhood

2010-2013         Chief artist-designer for the non-profit organization "Sport", part of the Sports and Culture Co­mmittee at the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

2009                 Organizer of the “Yolki-Palki” interactive winter quest with games and songs in the Russian folklore traditions

My Art is my journey, my passion and my meditation. When I walk the streets of my city, the lines and forms, the textures and colours merge together into an image that flashes inside my mind. It’s this fragile fleeting moment that I strive to capture on the canvas. Because painting is more than simple rendering of what we see in front of us. Art is about conveying feelings, sharing visions.

My paintings are in private collections in Canada, USA, ­Germany and Russia.


­Participation in Art Exhibitions:

2018                 Exhibition "Substantive conversation" in BULTHAUP Gallery

2015-2018         Artists Trade Union of Russia bi-annual exhibitions

2017                 Collective exhibition in the memory of artist Victor Malschukov

2006-2008         "Autumn Salon" Book and Graphics Center exhibitions

2006                 "Russian landscape at the beginning of the XXI century" in the NAIV Gallery

2005                 "The Christmas tree in the jam" JAM-HOLL Gallery

2004-2005         Artists Trade Union of Russia exhibitions "From the Avant-garde to Our Days”

2004                 "Point of view" exhibition ­in IFA gallery

2003                 "Voices of the Moon" in JAM-HALL Gallery

2002                 "Unexpected Petersburg" in ART-City Gallery

2002                 ART-project "Petersburg - Konevets: Six Centuries Later"

11th Luxor International Painting Symposium