Born in Alexandria.
BA of Fine Arts 1992 Painting dep Alexandria University.
Participated in several group exhibition and Visual Art events since 1992 such as: - Faculty of Fine Arts Alexandria Gratuated Artists 1992.
Alexandria Atelier Salon 92 /93/ 94.
Group show at Alexandria Fine Arts Museum 1993.
Seven Alexandrian Artists at the Spanish Culture institute 1994.
Youth Salon 1995 /1996 Cairo International Biennale 1996.
Seif & Adham Wanly Jobelium at M Said Museum 2012.
Alexandrian Artists exhibition at Cairo Operahouse 2012.
NOUN group show at M Said Museum 2013.
Spring Salon of Syndicate of Visual Artists Alexandria 2013.
Alexandrian Artists exhibition at Cairo Atelier 2013.
Im Possibilities of Bodies Line and Colour Solo show at Nile Art Gallery Cairo 2015.
Im Possibilities of Bodies Line and Colour Solo show at Latelier Alexandria 2016
Collection of Museum of Egyptian Modern Art, Cairo-Egypt