Shereen Elbaroudy


Visual artist - involved in the fine movement since she graduated from the Faculty of Art Education, 2003 - PHD in art education 2016 "title of PHD thesis" The Concept of the Other in Contemporary Art To Express Human  Values as an approach to Innovate  painting, Master degree 2009 "title of  master thesis" Spontaneous Dynamism of Expressionistic Trends As An Experimental Approach to contemporary painting" , represented Egypt in many festivals and international exhibitions, (Finland, Austria, France,

Belgium, China, India, Cyprus, Turkey, Italy, Ireland, Slovakia, Libya).

She got  many Award : the Youth Salon 19- 2008, 22- 2011, 25- 2015, Port Said Biennial Award 2011, The 2nd  upper Egypt  salon,  Luxor, 2014 .


10th Luxor International Painting Symposium