Chiara Tubia


Chiara Tubia is an Italian artist, she was born in San Donà di Piave, Venice, in 1982. Echoing philosophical and mythological implications, her works investigate and penetrate the mystery of Nature and the universe in its subject more unstable and pure.

Her artistic research is articulated into multiple formal solutions, combines and explores forms of expression ranging from photography to drawing, from paintings to sculpture and installation, focusing on the analysis of the nuances of reality and hidden truth, to reveal it in its multiple levels and potential of appearances and interpretations.

The artist graduated with honors in Arts Sciences at the Academy of Fine Art in Bologna, with a thesis in cultural anthropology on mutations in the contemporary world and the unveiling of reality in art. She attained, with merit, an MA in Fashion at the Istituto Marangoni in Milan.

Chiara exhibited her works on show in Italy and abroad; among which stands out the solo shows Nuotando in un oceano di frequenze at Villa Farsetti in Santa Maria di Sala (Venezia) and The Mystic Circle at Paggeria Arte in Sassuolo (Modena), and the collective shows Ce quo’on a and Wunderkammern2 to CACC of Cittadella (Padova), Quadrilegio to Alphacentaury gallery of Parma, Identità velate to OnArt gallery in Florence, Al-bunduqiyya at La Fenice gallery in Venice, WhoArtYou?3 at Ex Fornace in Milan, and Il paesaggio della golaatMUPAMuseumofTorrediMosto(Venice). ShewonthecompetitionTEFAFMade in Maastricht with a project in collaboration with the Dutch choreographer Joost Vrouenraets and exposed it to the TEFAF parade in the Netherlands.

9th Luxor International Painting Symposium