Mohammad Jaloos


Born in Amman 1960 .

1979- -1981 Studded Painting at Jordan Institute of Fin Arts.

1981 B.A  In business Administration , Jordan University .

1994-1995 Lived In  NY City , USA .

CAB Art Gallery & CAB Symposium  – Art director

Ayla International Art Symposium – Advisor /Curator

The president Of The Jordanian Plastic Artists Association  2003 - 2004  .

Member Of The Higher Committee Of National Cultural Conference 2004 .

Member Of jury – Philadelphia University,  the best art work  , years 2007,2008 ,2009 ,2011, 2012

Member Of selection jury – Bahrain yearly exhibition, 2009

Member Of jury – Omani - 19th    yearly exhibition, 2011,and 21st , 2016

Member Of jury  – Many other art competitions, for children paintings and artists.


A collection of short stories 1984, titled:  Memory of A Side Street.

Biyoot Min Al Salt, Water Color Paintings 1997 .

Faces From Within, 2002 .

Arabia Ya Biyoot El Quds , Water Color Paintings 2003.

Contributed many article in the field of Art: Criticism and Journalism.

Thirty years in painting – Dar al Adeeb , Amman .

9th Luxor International Painting Symposium