Ahmed Jarid


Born on 1954, in Casablanca

Lives and works in Casablanca&Benslimane.

Ahmed JARIDE worked as a Professor in Professors’ Training Centre on 1981, Philosophy teacher in 1985, and then he became an Aesthetics teacher in Casablanca’s Fine Arts School in 1998. Devoted to the promotion of Art and Culture in Morocco, he established in 1998 the “Village Des Ateliers d’Artistes Association” (AVAA). A year later, he was nominated as an advisor of the Minister of culture and communication, then as a director of the Minister of Culture cabinet until 2005. cipated in various individual and collective expositions in Morocco and abroad: Lyon, London, Marseille, United Arab Emirates, Brasilia, Mexico, Madrid, Brussels, Damascus, Cairo, Alexandria, Kuwait, Teheran, Helsinki, Berlin, Timbuktu, Oman, Manama, Muscat….Biennales in Alexandria, Biennale Sharjah, Biennale in Kuwait, Biennale in Tehran, Mahres-Tunisia Festival, International Symposium of the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Al Asmakh Symposium, Doha.

Last individual exposition: Boushahri Art Gallery, Kuwait 2014.

Acquisitions: His art works appear in various public and private artistic collections:

Royal Palace. National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters, Kuwait. Kingdom of Morocco Academy. Morocco’s Academy of Science. ONA Foundation in Morocco. ATTIJARIWAFABANK Foundation. CDG Foundation Maroc Telecom Credit du MarocMinistry of Culture Contemporary Arts National Museum, Rabat.

8th Luxor International Painting Symposium