Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovski (Russia)

The Russian orientalist and the manager of the Hermitage Museum in Petersberg has grown up in an atmosphere which loved the East and respected its great civilizations.

‏His father was a well-known scientist in Egyptology, and the manager of the Hermitage Museum as well.

‏His mother  was an archaeologist and a researcher in the Alawrarto civilization .

He studied in The East Department in Lenegrad University ( Petersberg town currently ) which sent him to Egypt to get a training session and to be trained in Cairo University.

‏In 1967 , he became a researcher in Lenegrad branch of Orientalism Institution in the Soviet Sciences Academy .

‏In 1973, he defended the doctoral thesis in the topic of the Humairi King story : Asaad Al kamel.

‏Then, he moved to the Popular Democratic Yemen Republic and worked as a translator and a teacher of Yemeni history in the High School for Social Sciences.

‏The boy Borisovich accompanied his parents who participated in the archaeological excavations in ancient settlements. This might have helped him to determine his scientific decision later and inspired him to participate in the archaeological excavations in each of Caucasus and Middle Asia areas.

‏In 1983 , he worked in the joint historical Yemeni-Soviet Mission which conducted the field studies for ancient commercial routes. He also participated in the excavation operations for ancient temples and towns and the accompanying ethnic studies. Biotrofisky embarked on studying the Arab Island, he wrote studies about the two kingdoms of Sabaa and Humair as well as the the ancient Arabic Inscriptions in the Arab Island, Arab Epics and their old tales.

‏Borisovich was especially interested in the relationship between the pre-Islamic and Islamic cultures. His studies cared about the late Pre-Islamic age and the early Islamic age. His studies about the history of Arabs were translated into the Arabic Language.

‏He delivered lectures in Arab countries Universities and gained a fame as a well-known Orientalist and Arabist.

‏In 1984, he defended the thesis of the state doctorate in the the topic of " South of the Arab Island on the early of the middle ages ".

In 1992 , he was assigned to take over the management of the Hermitage Museum in Pertsberg, as he started practicing cultural activities aiming to the Russian art Propaganda.

Borisovich  also participated in opening branches of the Hermitage in each of Amsterdam and Vazan,

‏He is planning currently to open the mini-Hermitage in Italy. The Hermitage which was established by Empress Katrina II was shot to fame as the richest museums for fine arts and historical and cultural antiques in the world thanks to the efforts of the Father and Son Biotrofisky.

‏The Hermitage halls do not witness galleries, exhibits, and different antiques only, lectures also are being delivered there, and seminars are being conducted in various matters of history, culture, and science.