Rain Robinson

United Kingdom

Born 1972 Essex, England.

Currently lives in Bath, Somerset.


1989 -91 Havering College

1991 -94 Laban Centre of Movement & Dance. (BA (Hons) 1st Class Honours Dance Theatre)

1994-95 Transitions Dance Company (Diploma In Advanced Performance)


Solo Exhibitions

March 2015  ‘Who Am I’ Edgar Modern Gallery Bath UK.

Selected Group Exhibitions:

2014 Summer Show Edgar Modern Gallery, Bath UK

2014 Envie d’Art Paris, France

2013 Heads and Tails Edgar Modern Gallery, Bath, UK

Selected Art Fairs 2011 -2014:

London Art Fair London  January 2015

AAF Battersea Park, London October 2014

AAF New York City, USA September 2014

AAF Hampstead, London June 2014

20|21 International Art Fair The Royal College of Art, London May 2014

AAF Hong Kong, March 2014

AAF Battersea, Spring Edition, London March 2014

London Art Fair, January London 2014

AAF Singaoore, November 2013

AAF Battersea, Autumn Edition, LONDON October 2013

AAF New York, Autumn Edition, USA October 2013

AAF New York, Summer Edition, USA August 2013

Art Hamptons, International Art Fair, USA July 2013

AAF Hamsptead, London June 2013

20|21 International Art Fair, Royal College of Art, LONDON May 2013

AAF Battersea, Spring Edition, London March 2013

London Art Fair, London January 2013

AAF Hampstead, London November 2012

2012- 13 London Art Fair Business Design Centre London

2011 The Affordable Art Fair Bristol


Private and corporate collections held in the UK, Europe, USA, China.

7th Luxor International Painting Symposium