Al-Dessouky Fahmy

Born 1938, in Berket El - Sab, Menufia.

Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Cairo, Painting Department, in 1963.

Diploma in Egyptology,Cairo University, 1973.

Held an Exhibition titled " Childhood in Ancient Egypt, 1980, in Manial Museum.

He took a part in the restoration of the " HB– Sd " Hall, with the eminent French architect Jean – Philippe Lauer , and painted two pictures in an exhibition accompanying the celebration in1980, of J. P. Lauer's Books, and architectural restorations in King Zoser's Step Pyramid Complex, in Saqqara.

Translated " America " a novel by Franz Kafka which was serialized in " Al – Mesaa " Daily newspaper, in 1970 ( February ) ; then issued in a book form in " Rewayat Al – Hilal " 1970 (August ). Also serialized in " Al _ Mesaa ", and later issued in a book form, the Short Stories and Letters of Kafka, and all the three books was accompanied with his Drawings ( Etchings) and Illustrations, 1968, 1978 – 1997.

He wrote and published Short Stories since 1959, in " Al – Mesaa ", " Al – Khateb ", " Al – Hilal ", " Sabah El – Khir ", " Gallery 68 ", " Sanabel " etc. .

Translated and published long chapters from " Laocoon, An essay upon the Limits of Painting and Poetry " by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing ( 1729 – 1781 ) : In " AL – Mesaa " Daily newspaper, in October 1976.

Translated and published in " Al – Mesaa ", in October 1976, in ten instalment serial, a psychological study, titled " Interpretations of the artistic style, from Eugène Delacroix′s journal " by psychologist Daniel Schneider.

Accompanying virtually all the Short Stiry writers and poets of the ( sixties generation) with his Press Illustrations throughout the sixties and the seventies years, in " Al – Mesaa ", " Al – Hilal ".

Translated and published in " Al – Qahira " a monthly magazine a psychoanalytical study for Picasso's paintings, and also a long psychoanalytical study for James Joyce's writings, dealing with his novel Ulysses.

-Four Aspects for the Pyramid, October 2000, an exhibition at Khan al Maghrabi gallery.

-Thus Spoke the Sphinx, February 2004, an exhibition at Gallery Picasso.

-Still life, May 2004,  an exhibition at Khan al Maghrabi gallery.

Landscape.. Two visions..  , December 2006 – Khan al Maghrabi gallery.

Egyptian Contemporary Art, Dubai – Emirates 2006.

7th Luxor International Painting Symposium