• Sandy was born in Darling, coming from a creative family - his mother doing pencil drawings and his father making wooden toys. From Primar and school years he started with pencil drawings and crayons.
• During his high school years, Sandy used the library to extend his knowledge oF art. « I paint my community around me, the houses, the dorp with its stoeps/[ters the shop fronts, the bar, west -coast scenes, cape coons and nguni cows etc. « Monet and Van Gogh and every day life around me, inspires me.
• Sylvia van Schalkwyk (well known gospel singer & friend of Sandy’s mother I discovered his talent and subsequently exposed Sandy’s work through her contacts with the media. This led to Mr. Watt sponsoring his accommodation, I Southern Life his tuition and a few more donors which made it possible for Sandy to study at Ruth Prowse.
• After he finished at Ruth Prowse he went to go study at Daljosafat Missionary station in Paarl. After a short while of study there he practice his knowledge at home and discover his own unique style and working his way up in the art world.
• Sandy is married to Natasha and has three daughters, Chante’,Nikesha,Aneesha and a son Stanley. In 2009 Sandy lost his house , art collection of other well-known artists and more than 15 finished paintings witch was for an exhibition in Johannesburg- in a hre that spread from his neighbors to his house. Lauren Broekhuizen a friend of the family and artist from Darling housed the family in a cottage of her’s for 2 months. Sandy a fulltime artist now lives in Darling in his own home.