Name: Abdelhadi Boudouaya
Country: Algeria

2008 International Forum in the occasion of the memorial of the late Abdullah El Hariry , the forming artist ,under the slogan of creativity of forming arts in Mohamed El-Qasemi hall & the cultural boat
« El Horeya».


2004 - 2008 Certificate in General Art Studies ( School of Fine Arts in Mist-ghanem).
• 2010 - 2011 Certificate in Restoration & Reservation of monuments in the school of Fine Arts – Wahran in coordination with the National Museum , Ahmed Zabana- Wahran - in cooperation with the Algerian Ministry of Culture and the Spanish Ministry of Culture.
• 2001 -2002 Certificate of a technician in Electronic Media.

Participation and Art activities:
• 2006 National Festival for forming arts in Bomardas state.
• 2007 culture House in Mistghanem State .
• 2007 Culture palace in Wahran state.
• 2007 Zdoor belkasem Univ. in Mistghanem state.
• 2008 El-gahawy Festival for forming arts in Gherdaia state.
• 2009 National Saloon in Qalma stat.e
• 2009 Regional exhibition for the Governorate , El Beed state.
• 2010 Spring of forming arts in Gegl state.
• 2010 Saloon El Gahwy in the Culture House,Mohamed belkheir , El Beed state.