Name: Mohamed Talaat
Country: egypt

Solo shows :
• Solo show at Horas art gallery, the Faculty of Art Education, 2000.
• Fayoum Cultural Palace, 1999,2000,2001.
• Ekhnaton (4) art gallery, Zamalek Arts Center, 2001.
• “Salon Stars”, at Cairo Atelier, 2004.

Local exhibitions:
• Group exhibitions at Fayoum Cultural Palace, 1998,1999,2000.
• `First Step`, Horas art gallery, the Faculty of Art Education, 1999.
• `Future Generation`, Townhouse art gallery, 2000.
-Exhibition at the Fine Artists Association, 2002.
• The 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, Salon of Mini Works of Art, 1999 to 2003.
• The 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, Cairo Youth Salon from 2000 to 2005.
• The 27th, 28th National Art Exhibition, 2001,2003.
• The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.

International exhibitions:
• Bangladesh International Biennale, 2002.
• `Jeddah Atelier`, Saudi Arabia, 2003.
• Biennale de Sarcelles , France , 2005


BA in art education, Helwan University, 2001.
• Diploma in Criticism from the High Institute of Art Criticism, 2004.
• Preparatory MA at the Faculty of Art Education, 2004.
• The Fine Artists Syndicate,(4509) painting.
• Cairo Atelier Group of Artists and Writers.
• Programmer at the General Administration of Arts. • Centers of the Sector of Fine Arts, the Egyptian Ministry of Culture.
• Director of Palace of Fine Arts , Ministry of Culture , since 2006 Fine artist.Assistant Commissaire of the 14th Youth Salon, 2002.
• Assistant Commissaire of the 9th Cairo International Biennale, 2003.
• Co-Commissaire of the 10th Cairo International Biennale, 2006.
• Curator of Retrospective Exhibition « Memory of an Artist» 2007 in Palace of Arts.
• Curator of Workshop and Exhibition for Media and Video Installations « Whats Happening Now , Contemporary Views»2007/ 2008.
• Assistant Commissaire Museum Education Workshop, 2001.
• Coordinator of the children workshop, parallel to the 9th Cairo International Biennale, 2003.

Publications and activities:
• Organized more than thirty national and international exhibitions.
• `Palestinian Issue Workshop`, 2002.
• Edited, conceited and executed the `Showcase` Project, parallel to the 16th Youth Salon.


First prize for painting from the 13th Youth Salon, 2001.
• Granted many merit certificates and honors in many exhibitions.


Art lovers in Egypt and abroad .

State collection:
• Egypt Modern Art Museum-Cultural Development Fund-
Economic institutions in UAE, Saudi Arabia and England.