Name: Sarwat El Bahr
Country: Egypt

35individual exhibitions in Egypt, Italy and Germany.
• 1971Exhibition with great sculptor M.Moussa Atelier Alexandria.
• 1974 The 10th Biennial of Alexandria» Alexandria.
• 1977 The Egyptian week» Essen, Germany.
• 1977Egyptian Youth Exhibition» Cordoba, Spain.
• 1980 Egyptian Contemporary Art «Mexico, Romania, Germany
• 1980 International Biennial of Venice» Venice.
• 1983 international Salon of Paris» Paris.
• 1988 Alexandria Contemporary Ait « the Egyptian Academy, Roma.
• 1989 11th Arab Biennial» Kuwait.
• 1990 8 Egyptian Artists» Augsburg, Germany.
• 1990 The INF Group lagen ,Germany.
• 1991 8 Egyptian Artists» Bremen, Germany.
• 1993 International Biennial of Cairo « Egypt».
• 1994 International Painting Festival « Nice , franc.
• 1994 works of 25 Years with Colors Joint.
• 1997 The Sea Exhibition “ the Egyptian Academy, Rome, Italy.
• «international Museum of 20th Century Art» in collaboration with UNESCO,United Nations Hall, New York“Joint exhibition with the State Artist Mounir Kanaan gallery Extra, Cairo.
• 1998 international Museum of 20th Century Art» in collaboration withUNESCO, Lisbon, Portugal (EXPO98
• 1999 20 thBiennialof Mediterranean Countries) Biennial Prize2000Egyptian Contemporary Art» (Group of leader Artists of the last 30 Years),Finland.
• 2002 Ajoint exhibition with the Italian artist Giovanni Soccol, the Egyptian Academy, Rome, Italy.
• 2002 Second Biennial of Mediterranean Cities in Tunisia.
• 2005 Exhibition»AlI retrospective Work galleries Ofok’M.IhaliI Museum.



1978 First Prize in Painting, 12th Biennial of Alexandria.
• 1981 The State Encouraging Award, the Supreme Council of Culture, Cairo.
• 1981 First Prize in painting, the 11th Arab Biennial Kuwait.
• 1999 Prize of Biennial, the 20th Biennial of Alexandria.


Museum of Fine Arts, Alexandria.
• Cairo Opera House .
• International Conference Hall, Cairo.
• Tito Museum Yugoslavia.
• Private individual acquisition in several Arab and European. countries & U S A.