• He participated in all the session of the general exhibitions
since his graduation
• He participated in the Youth Salon (2nd session to the 7th )
• He participated in several national and international exhibitions such as : Farsay international Biennale for graphic in Paris
• He has held 16 exhibitions in Egypt and abroad since 1984, the last one was in Jordan in 2008
• Assistant professor at the department art education – faculty of specific arts – Menufia university 1990- 1995
• Assistant professor at the department art education –
Suez Channel University 1996-2000
• 2000 he resigned from the academic work and dedicated his life to the artistic and cultural work. He has accomplished more than 10000 meter of murals in governorates of Ismailia, Red Sea, South Sinai.
• Fine Artistic advisor at the Cultural Development Fund 2007
• The Commissary of international old Cairo Symposium 2007
he won numerous prizes and awards from several places
He has several acquisitions at the modern art museum, cultural development fund, the national museum in Jordan, the Cultural Palaces
Authority and abroad.