since 1992 Personal und Group Exhibitions
in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, USA
France, Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, Arab.Emirates
Egyptian Intern. Print Triennale (Work of Art and Lecture), Egypt 2003 and 2006
Moussem Internat. d`Art d`Assilah, Morocco 2002
International Arts Biennale Cairo, Egypt 1998/99
Sharjah International Arts Biennal, Arab. Emirates 1997
Symposion (mit UNESCO) Neusiedl am See 1998 – 2002
Studios on Travel in Assilah/ Morocco 2003 and Luxor/ Egypt 1999
s free lanced artist
Painting, Grafic, Installation, PoetryInstallations
“Heaven 1” on „Art Fair Pannonia 2001“
“7 Steps to Heaven” a. d. International Arts Biennale Cairo 1998
“Secrets” natural installations from Luxor, Egypt
“Cosmic Tree” at „Leondinger EigenArt 2001“
“Pegasus” Mega Wall Sculpture at “The Habsburgian Horses” exhibition in the Castle Halbturn 2002
Experimental Lecture text and poetry (S.S.Schick) with Oud (Marwan Abbado) in 2001
Gallery Fichteg.1 / Schönbach/ Waldviertel/ egypt. Cultur. Dptmt Vienna
Lecture Symposium at the „Egyptian Intern. Print Triennale“ Cairo 2003
Stipendium 1997 BKA Vienna und 1984/85 Ministry f. Science and Research Austria
Works of Art of S.S.Schick are in private ownership and in possession of the General Administration of Museums and Exhibitions, Egypt, Collection Cairo und Collection Alexandria
Susanne S.Schick is free lanced artist, living near Vienna/ Austria
S.S.Schick is born in Hannover, lives then in Cologne, a few time in Spain. Studies in Aix la Chapelle and Vienna (History, History of Arts Painting) Diploma 1992 at the University of Appl.Arts Vienna (Prof. A. Frohner). Following years the atelier changes between Germany and Austria (Murnau/Bavaria, Vienna, Burgenland), is now in the three-country corner in Austria near Hungaria and Slovacia. Travelling Artist on itineraries with group exhibitions (Bagdad, Sharjah, Cairo), single exhibitions (Tunisia) und Artist in Residence places (Luxor/Egypt und Assilah/Morocco). Invitations to international Art Biennals: 1997 to Sharjah/Arab.Emirates (Painting), 1998 to Cairo/Egypt (Installation), Grafic Triennale Cairo and Alexandria 2003 (Lecture at the Symposion, Grafic Exhibition) und 2006. Worldwide enriching contacts with resident artists and their work, regional cultural features are of interest. Holistic experience transformes into work of art, becomes a landscape installation with text und poetry (Leondinger EigenArt 2001), exhibitions like “Isis bowring” at Gallery Fichtegasse 1 in Vienna or text&poetry performances with Oud in 2001.