Name: Miguel Macho
Country: Spain
Birth: Date and place of birth: 29 / 5 / 1974 in Valencia.

2008: exhibited his works in MUSAC museum. He held few private exhibitions:
in 1995, «la salina» gallery. Salamnca.
In 1996, «plateria» gallery. Salamanca
In 2003, «galleria» gallery.
He held two other private exhibitions in Spain in 2006 and 2008.
He participated in many group shows, the most important are:
2008: two exhibitions, one in Salamanca and the other in Valencia.
2007: exhibition at the Valencia school of architecture.
2004: Madrid international fair.
2003: Seville international exhibition.



He was picked several times by the local authorities, associations, foundations to realize artistic projects, and he had may awards for his artistic achievements.


The artist works appears in many private a public collections such as the - Educational and cultural council of Castillo y Lyon.
Spain museum
Borgos museum.
Some local authorities of the governorate of Valencia.