Personal exhibitions
- Cairo Atelier Hall 86/87/90/1991.
- the Spanish Cultural Center in Cairo 1993, and Alexandria 1996.
- Chamber Christoph Mrian Basel Switzerland.
- Treynaly Graphics II 1998 New Delhi, India.
- Ankara Second Biennial Fine Arts, Turkey.
- Fine Arts Festival - Bari - Italy.
- Biennale of Ljubljana, Slovenia XIX.
- Treynaly Krakow Poland international 1991 / 2000 / 1997.
- Fair Ontdavia - Poland 1991 / 1994.
- Treynaly Frederixtad - Norway 1991.
- The Biennale of Graphic V Kayama, Japan.
- Bangladesh International Biennale 1999
- Kenjawa Biennale - Japan 2000
- Treynaly Lalit Kala - India
- Treynaly Graphics International - Bitola - Macedonia 2003
- Treynaly graphics - the Vazna - Bulgaria
- Binali France Egypt - the guest of honor Bannaly 2006
- VII International Cairo Biennial 2007
- Exhibition Schedule 2008 Alexandria Library
- The exhibition «the imagination of the book,» Library of Alexandria 2008
- Member of the Commission on Fine Arts Supreme Council for Culture 2001/ 2006 / 2003.
- has a number of technical workshops in the art graphics, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, India, Jordan and Lebanon.
- provided the movement of the plastic fed through a series of prominent young Egyptian art movement.
taught in some Egyptian universities.