Has established 34 special exhibitions in Rome, - Egypt and Kuwait.
The first of these exhibitions in Cairo 1979, the last four exhibitions in 2008 in the Academy of Arts, Zamalek, entitled” The Art of 30 years “ Muharram Bey museum , Alex. 2005 “Creativity Hall”, MUST City Hall October 6th City 2005, Picasso Hall : “Dreams and sighting” 2008.
Participating in local and international exhibitions since in 1981.
Traveled as exhibitor and companion of international exhibitions to:
Yugoslavia - Macedonia - 1988, Switzerland - Basel 1987, Iraq - Baghdad 1986,1988, Turkey - Ankara 1989, and Spain - Granada 1993, Italy - Rome 1995, Brazil - Sao Paulo 1996, Sarajevo 1999, India - New Delhi 2000, Argentina - Buenos Aires 2001, Kuwait 2004, Rome 2003, Azerbaijan - Baku 2008.
Professor of Mural painting Faculty of Fine Arts, Cairo, Egypt.
Board member of Cairo-Attila for artists and Authors (1981-2000), Chairman of the Board atelier (2000 - 2001).
Member of the plastic-arts committee of the Culture-Supreme Council (1996-2003).Has three books issued on art ; the first is entitled: Contemporary Egyptian Drawing, Dar Al-Hilal 2002 and the second entitled: Pre-paintings and their relationship to Mustafa Ahmed plates, Culture-Supreme Council, and the third is CD about the artist Shawki Zaghloul.Numerous television and radio interviews on arts and artists.
Has three special TV-interviews on his career and artistic creativity:
art houses, the moment of creativity, painting .
Has participated in numerous committees and public exhibition contests of Youth Salon, Cairo Biennale Award creativity, the State Incentive Award, and Chairman of the Arbitration of the 17th youth salon.
Received numerous local awards in drawing and painting. Notably the first prize in painting in the General Exhibition Contest 1982, and the two prizes in the contest of small pieces during the seven sessions.
Has many artistic holdings among individuals in the Arab world, Europe and America. Two, pallets in Serbia, Titograde museum, the Museum of Modern Art and many private and governmental buildings in Egypt.
Graphics Press contributed over thirty years in both Al-ahram newspaper and magazine al-hilal - from 1976 to 2006.