Individual exhibitions
2008 Alexandria international symposium sculpture in natural material.
2007 Sequoia with town house Art gallery, Zamalek
2007 Ebdaa Art gallery- Mohandseen. - 2006 Gezira Art center, Zamalek
2004 About the Egyptian and swiss flat country with the artist (Romano Delakezia)
Mashrabia gallery - 2003 Ekhnaton 1 gallery, center of arts, Zamalek
2002 Kamal Khalifa gallery, Gezira art center - 2001 Cairo atelier, installation
2000 Ekhnaton 3 gallery , center of arts , Zamalek - 1999 The greque cultural corporation gallery , Alexandria - 1997 Ekhnaton 3 gallery , center of arts , Zamalek
1995 Cairo atelier - 1995 Sports club gallery , Kafr Shokr
1986 Sports club gallery , Kafr shokr Group & general exhibitionsThe international exhibitions
2007 The contemporary Egyptian art, Bon , Germay - 2007 Veins International biennial
2006 International biennial maginations of the book Alexandria library
2006 The contemporary Egyptian art, Abou dhabi - 2006 The contemporary Egyptian art, Algeria
2005 The contemporary Egyptian art, prague - czech , Republic
2005 The general commissioning of the Egyptian partition in the international art market, prague
2005 Imagining the book biennail , Alexandria library
2004 Workshop about the contemporary Egyptian painting , Riyad , Saudia Arabia
2004 1ST Book art biennail , Alexandria library
2003 Alexandria international biennail , Fine arts museum , Alexandria
2003 The international workshop for the project (Imagining the Book) 120 international artist Alexandria library
2002 The contemporary Egyptian art exhibition , China 2001 2nd Nitaq festival , Gresham hotel , Cairo
2000 1:;l Nitaq fetival , The Greek club , Cairo 1999 The international Dubrovnik biennial , Croatia 1998 7th Cairo international biennail
1998 4th Cairo international biennail in Ceramics 1998 Zenos gallery , Frankfurt, Germany
Member in plastic artists syndicateParticipations
2006 Commesair sallon of youth 18th.
2005 Graphic workshop paralleled with national exhibition of graphic art, Art palace
2004 Jury member, 16th youth salon
2004 The 4th conference of plastic arts (the picture & subjects of plastic arts) titled (the
nature and the contemporary Egyptian art , & the postmodernism arts)
2003 Honor prize + Bronza medial , Alexandria biennail
1999 The best partition prize in the international Dubrovnik biennail , Croatia
1998 The jury prize , installation , 10th youth salon
1997 2nd prize in painting , 9th youth salon
1997 The grand prize from the international union for plastic arts critiques ( AIKA ) ,
scholarship for three months in arts studios in Rotterdam , Holland , (Holland Jury) , Through
it the artist visited the museums and galleries in 6th european countries (France , Spain , Italy , Germany , Belgium , Holland) , 9th youth salon
1995 The grand prize (Golden Ekhnaton) 7th youth salon.