International Exhibitions
1976-Alex. International Biennale-eleventh round.
1977-State international Italian Prize for Painting (Lobiam)-Spioneeta.
1977-International Painting Festival-Canne-France.
1977-Egyptain Youth Spain-Gordoba-1977.
1978-Eighth Switzerland Trinnale for Graphic Arts Basel.
1980-Second Biennale (Saint Gioranni)-Colbordolo-Italy.
1980 Grand Palais Salon-Paris.
1983 Fifth Alamain Festival (Splito)-Italy.
1984 Egyptian Art Exhibition Jordan-Mainhall-National Amman Museum.
1985 Japan-International Painting Exhibition.
1986 Baghdad Festival for Plastic Art.
1987 19th Sau Paulo International Biennale.
1987 Egyptian Plastic Artists Exhibitions-Bakrain.
1987 Alexandria School of Egypt-Exhibition Egyptian Academy Rome-Mainhall.
1988 Contemporary Egyptian Art-Qualar-exhibition.
1988 Univeral Baghdad Festival.
1989 International Havanna Biennale Cuba.
1996 Second International Festival for the cities carrying the name of Alexandria (Alexandrias) allover the world (Art and heritage).
2000 Contemporary Egyptian Art-Riyadh-K.S.A.
2001 Egyptian days of culture-Kuwait-exhibition.
2002 Cultural gathering (arrestor “El Khaim”)-south Lebanon.
2002 Sau Paulo Biennale Turn 25-Brasil.
2002 Alexandria Artists Exhibition-Egyptian Culture-Rome-Italy.
2005 International Biennale-Peking 2nd round.
One man shows-Egypt and abroad
1977-Ferminiono-Italy municipality hall.
1979-Studio 5 Bolonia-Italy.
1979-Michelangelo-Gallery Florance-Italy.
1980-Ctapina Palace-Fosomprom-Italy.
1980-Governerate hall-Pizaro-Italy.
1980-Farini Gallery 23 Mudina-Italy.
1980-Linca Sigmorilli Galerie-Crotona Italy.
1981-Mashrabiah Gal-Cairo.
1982 Muhammed Nagi hall, Anfoushy Culture Center-Alex.
1987Al-salam hall-Mohamed M.Khalial Museum.
1987 Main Conference hall Cairo.
1987-An Exhibition on board the ship Aida (Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritine Alex.).
1989-Aida hall-Gieza.
1994 Sandicent for Plastic Arts-Jeddah.
1996 Roshan Gallery Kingdom South Arabia-Jedda.
1999 French Culture Center (Center Cultural Francais)-Alex.
2002-Exhibiton “alive nature”-Mahmoud said museum-Alexandria.
2002-Exhbition-“The Confounded City”-Egyptian Pavilion at Sau Paulo Biennale-Alexandria Art Center.
2003 Exhibition “Embrace” between Alexandria and Naples Beaches-Naples-Egyptian Culture Center-Rome-Italy.
2005-2010 One man permanent show at the Bibliothequa Alexandria (show hall)-for five years.
Group Exhibitions Egypt and Abroad
1973 Contemporary Egyptian Art Exhibition-Arts Complex-Cairo.
1977-1982 Contemporary Egyptian Art Exhibition at the Egyptian Culture Center-Rome.
1970-2005 Annual exhibition-Cairo (General).
1981 Painting staff at the Faculty of Fine Arts-Mahmoud Said Museum.
1984 Art exhibition for Professors of Faculty of Fine Arts-Alex-American Culture Center.
1984 Alexandria Artists exhibitions brothers Wanly hall-Alexandria.
1985-thre Alexandria Artists exhibitions (Tarekzabady-Farouk Wahba-Abd-El-Salam Eis).
1986 Three generations of Alexandria Artists-Alex. Alebiers halls.
1986 Plastic Artists syndicate exhibition-Ismailia.
1987 Alexanderian Artwork-Assiut Culture Authority.
1987 Nile and Rhine exhibition German Culture Center-Alexnadria.
1987 Alexandria Artists-Alex. national day-Seifwanely hall.
1988 Autumn Alexandria Gallery-88-Art Center-Alex.
1989 Museum of Fine Arts Alex. exhibition.
1999 American Univ. in Cairo-Exhibition.
2002 Golden Jubilee of 23 July Revolution-Mahammed Mahmoud Said Museum Alex. Exhibition.
2004 Egyptian Portraits-Bibliothequa Alexandria.
2004 The Form and Light (Noor Al-Shakl) Art Center-Cairo-exhibition.
2005 Mahmoud Said Festival-M. Said exhibition.
2005 The Guest of Honner painter at the Jubilee of Alexandria International Biennale-exhibitions.
Participating in the contemporary Egyptian art movement for forty years.
Scholarship to Italy-Urbino Academy-obtained his Ph.D.-1976.
Fine Arts consultant for the renovation project-king ABD-El-Aziz Univ.-Jeddah-1994.
Minster of culture consultant, head of painting Dep. Faculty of fine arts Alex Univ. 1998-2003.General Commissair-Alex. International Biennale for Mediterranean Basin round 51-2003, Comissair for the Egyptian Pavilion at Venice International Biennale round 41 1984
Artistic gatherings and workshops
Invitation-contribution in the first and second Baghdad-International Plastic Arts Festival 1986-1988.
Invitation-Düsseldorf Mayor-exhibition for fine Alexandria Painters 1989.
Invitation. Arab Academy of maritime transport. Permanent exhibition onboard AIDA to visit Mediterranean ports between Barcelona and Napleo 1987.
Workshop-Mural paintings of Tony Garnier Museum-Leon-France 1993.
Cultural gathering (El Khiam Arrestor)-South Lebanon 2002.
Alia Symposium Alia Munieipality-Beirut-Lebanon 2002.
Workshop-Imagination of the book-(international workshop)-managed by Bibliothequa Alexandria 2002.
Articles and Critic Studies
Numerous Critics were concerned with the artist career among them:
Dr. Naim Attia – Dr. Badr El-Din Abu Ghazi – Mukhtar Al-Attar – Mamoun Ghaneb – Dr. Salah Fadl – Dr. Amira Matter- Dr. Ahmed Abu Zeid – Hussein Bekar – Dr. Ahmed Nawar – Dr. Hamed Ewis – Muhammed Selim - Ezz El Din Naguib – Kamal El-Gewelly- Dr. Amal Nasr. Engineer/Hossam Eldin Zakaria.
The Egyptian Satellite T.V. Channel (A.R.E.) produced two documentary films about the artist experiments with the collaboration of Dr. Samir Saad El-Din and artist Mahmoud Ibrahim. Also, channel five, in Alexandria produced some films about his proceedings in the field of mural paintings and its social and cultural role.
Some International Encyclopaedia mentioned the artist and his achievement as follows:
- Encylopaedia of the Century – volume 2 – Muhammed Sadet – 2001.
- Encylopaedia a Museum in a Book” Sobhy – El Sharouni – 1998.
- Tony Garnier Museum guide – 1997 (Leon – France).
- The Best one hundred interior design in the world – John Blam – 1996.
Models and field installations
1967 Culture shock model – First Prize in international Alex. Biennale
round 11.
1977 The condenser of time Grand Prix – General exhibition 1982.
1984 “The City” model – international Biennale of Venice.
1992 The first mural on the Cornish road – Alexandria – Saint Giovanni
Hotel facale– Stanly – with an area 10 m2.
1993 Tony Garnier Museum mural – Leon – France under the supervision
of Unisco.
1993 Mural-conference and festival hall – University of king Abd-El-Aziz – kingdom Sandi Arabia 1064 m2.
1994 Model Jeddah Between Past, Present, and future.
1995 Mural Plastic Artists home – Jeddah.
1996 Model Twintieth Century’s horizons – Jeddah-K.S.A Andalus Garden.
1996 Mural Faculty of Medicine-Alexandria University-400 square meters.
1997 Mural Faculty of Fine Arts-Alexandria University 200 square meters.
1998 Murals Akhbar El-Youm Institution-Façade of Modern Printers-6 October city. 600 square meters
1999 Mural National Bank of Egypt-Employers home at the golden Jubilee of establishment 300 square meters.
1999 Mural health insurance hospital – Abu auir-Alexandria.
1999-2001 Mural-Wall of armed forces hospital Mustapha Kamel-Cornish Road 1500 square meters.
2001 Mural Bibliothequa Alexandria 300 square meters.
2001 Murals Touristic Boad Nile City – Zamalek Cairo.
2001 Memorial of Um Kalthoum-design and implementation Um Kalthoam Museum.
2001-2002 Interior Murals three murals about the history of medicine-
Armed forces hospital Mustaphakamel-Alex.
2003 Mural Institute of Social Service.
2004 Murals Central Authority for Accounting.
2004 Murals Petroleum Complex-Alex. Petroleum Ministry.
2006 Mural Lord Company for Precision Industries.
2007 Mural of the new Egypt Telecom build
Local and International Prizes
1967 1st Prize Biennale of Alex.
1977 State Italian Prize (Lobian)-Spionitta-Italy.
1980 Honrary Prize for painting-2nd Biennale (Giovanni Saint)-
1982 Grand Prix-General State exhibition Arab republic of eygpt.
1991 Furtherance State Prize in Painting.
1991 Prize of appreciation-University of Alex.
1992 Arbitration Committee Prize-Fourth International Cairo Biennale.
2003 City emblishiment expert Prize-Arabian Cities district (Doha)-Qatar.
2004 Valuation State Prize in Arts.
2002 Appreciation Prize University of Alexandria.
Acquisitions in Egypt and Abroad
Museum of modern Art-Cairo.
Museum of Modern Art-Alex.
Museum of Sount Bernadndino Italy.
Permanent exhibition hall-Operahouse Cairo.
Museum of Faculty of Fine Arts – Menia. Conference Center hall-Cairo.
Dar El-Tahrier institutions for publication-Cairo.
Complex halls for petroleum industry –Alexandria.
Governorate of Alexandria Building.
Museum of Fine Arts Alex.
Museum of Fine Arts Academy Urbino Italy.
Ministry of Culture.
Al-Ahram headquarters building.
Dar Akhbar El Yum institution.
Museum Bibliothequa Alexandria, Museum Alia Municipality Beirrit.
Exhibiting halls-General Authority of Investment.
Municipality of Dusseldorf (Rathouse)-Germany.
Special acquisitions in many countries abroad.