Local Exhibitions
-1st exhibition Gezira Art Center- 2006.
- Exhibition in Eshraka center 2006.
- 1st Fine Creation Festival 2006.
- 18th Youth Salon- 2007.
- Exhibition in the Fine Artists Syndicate 2007.
- Imagining the Book Biennale exhibition, organized at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in 2007.
-1st Rashid salon 2008.
-The National exhibition in Cairo 2008.
- Exhibition Agenda 2009 at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
- Exhibition accompany with Alexandria Biennale 2009.
- Exhibition in the Fine Artists Syndicate 2009.
- Exhibition free experimentation Syndicate of Fine Artists in Alexandria in 2009.
- National Exhibition of Cairo 2010.
-Exhibition Hall of Siwa, Mahmoud Mokhtar, 2010 -Gallery Agenda Alexandria Bibliotheca 2011.
International Exhibitions :
- Egyptian Modern Art Exhibition- the Cultural Capital of the Arab World- Muscat- 2006.
- Exhibition of the Egyptian Cultural Week in India 2007.
- Exhibition of the Egyptian Youth artists - The Egyptian Cultural Center - Paris - France 2007.Private Exhibitions
- Exhibition in Alexandria creativity center 2008.
- Exhibition at Mahmoud Said museum 2009 - 2010.
- Member of Fine Artists Syndicate- Alexandria.
- Completed My study of Italian language
-Assistant teacher at the Faculty of Fine Arts- Alexandria University.
The prize of the Faculty of Fine Arts in science festival 2000.
- 1st prize of Rashid salon 2008.
- 1st prize in Painting - Port Said National Biennale 2009.
- Scholarship of Siwa studios 2009.
- Ministry of Culture- Ministry of Foreign Affairs- At individuals in Egypt and abroad.