An exhibition in the Soviet Cultural Centre, 1974.
An exhibition in Goethe Institute, 1977.
An exhibition in Goethe Institute, 1989.
An exhibition in Atelier of Cairo, 1990.
An exhibition in Diplomats Centre, 1992.
An exhibition in the Spanish Cultural Centre, 1996.
An exhibition in the Palace of Artistic Appreciation in Alexandria, 1999.
An exhibition in El Gazira Centre in Cairo, 1999.
An exhibition in the Jesuit Centre in Alexandria, 2005.
An exhibition in the French Cultural Centre in Alexandria, 2006.
An exhibition in the French Cultural Centre in Cairo, 2006.
International Exhibitions:
Participated in several exhibitions the represented contemporary Egyptian art abroad in many countries like: Italy, Spain, Yemen and Sudan.
Participated in the 22nd Biennale of Alexandria, 2003.
Participating in the Egyptian artistic movement since 1971.
Special Honors:
-Received a full-time grant from the Egyptian Goverment for several years.
-Honored in the Conference of the Egyptian Visual Artists, 2008.
Acquired Paintings:
-At the Egyptian Ministry of Culture - Museum of Modern Egyptian Art – Opera House.
-Privately acquired paintings in France, Germany, USA, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Kuwait.