-Held 45solo exhibition in painting, drawing, engraving and varied compositions: The Mohamed V Gallery, Rabat; Wagner Gallery, Jena; The Asian House Gallery, Erfurt; the «Regionalbibliothek», Erfurt; The Cinema Club, Erfurt and several exhibitions at the Faculty of Arts and Education, Grafikgalerie Zimmermann, Erfurt and the Armstadt Theatre.
-MA in Graphics-1992. Ph.D. in Art Philosophy Specialized in Graphics 1998.
-Member of the Applied Arts Syndicate and of the fine Arts National Society ; a jury member of the Eleventh Youth Salon 1999, member of the high committee for organizing the Cairo International Graphics Triennial 2003.
-Studies sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Cairo 1984.-Invited to participate and exhibit in seminars, international festivals of which the Rabat Art Festival, Morocco 1995.
-Invited by «The Villa Romana» House of the German Artists, Florence, Italy 1996.
-Invited by the University of IUFM Creteil, Paris, and June 1996.
-Invited by the Faculty of Arts and Education, University of Bratislava, Slovakia, August 1997.
-Participated in the Festival for Arts, Mainz, Germany, September 1996.
-Participated in the First Kleinbraitenbach Art Symposium, Germany, August 1997.
-Participated in the International Symposium in Kari, Romania, June 2000 and in Budapest, Hungary 2001.
-Participated in local and international exhibitions in Egypt and abroad:
-The Sapporo International Engraving Biennial, Japan 1993.
Won 24 local and international prizes for engraving, drawing, painting, en relief, theatre décor, varied compositions.
- six of which were the first prize of the Youth Salon's six sessions for drawing , painting and compositions and the 1995 First Prize of the Cairo Biennale for Compositions, the 2001 State Prize for Graphic Art, the Oscar, (Alexandria Lighthouse) highest prize of the 22nd Alexandria Biennale for the Mediterranean Nations in October, 2003.