Name: AbdEl Hakim Qasim Aly
Country: Yemen
Birth: April 11, 1965

Personal Exhibitions:
2001: Eighth personal exhibition at the Sharjah Bienniale, Sharjah.
2002: Ninth personal exhibition at the Culture House, Sanaa.
2010: Tenth personal exhibition (Entity Changes)at the Saeed Cultural Organization, Taiz.

Participations in Exhibitions
2007: South-South Dialogue Forum, Assuit University, Egypt.
2007: South-South Dialogue Exhibition, Mahmood Almukhtar Museum, Cairo.
2008: Sanaa Arab Forum of Plastic Arts, Culture House, Sanaa.
2008: Yemeni-Saudi Plastic Arts Forum, Culture House, Sanaa.
2009: International Sanaa Forum of Plastic Arts.
2009: Arab workshop in Beijing, China.
2009: Arab artists' exhibition, Renaissance Hotel, China.
2009: Yemeni-Chinese Arts Exhibition, History Museum, Beijing.
2010: Arab Arts Exhibition, Capital Museum, Beijing.
2011: First Amman Arts Forum (Poems and Paintings), Almashreq Gallery, Amman .
2011: Contemporary Arts Exhibition (Sanaa Gallery).


2003: Integrated and executable study presented for the design of the Balfaqih Theatre, Hadramaut.
2003: Designing and supervision of the «Children's Theatre» at the Sanaa Culture Centre.
2003: Member of the restoration committee of Bait Raghib (Sanaa Arts Museum).
2003: Member of the committee for the acquisition of Yemeni manuscripts.
2003: General supervisor for the renovation and equipping of the National Museum, Sanaa.
2004: Organizer for the Japanese Graphics Exhibition, House of Culture, Sanaa.
2004: Member of the Board of Trustees of the Friends of the Book Forum.
2005: Comprehensive design of the Al-Baradoni Library, Dhamar.
2006: Coordinator of the workshop and the requirements of the design of the National Library, Sanaa
2006: Chief coordinator of the 23rd Sanaa International Book Fair.
2007: General Supervisor of the Acquisitions Committee, Ministry of Culture.
2008 -2009- 2010:General Coordinator of the Youth Competition in Plastic Arts.
2009: Director of the Pottery and Ceramics Heritage Development Project.
-Participated in several symposia, panel discussions and workshops.