Jona Dividi was born in Tirana on July 5, 1983. She firstly graduated from the "Jordan Misja" Artistic High School, in the sculpture/ceramics department and then completed her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana in 2006, in the Painting/Graphics department. In 2009, she graduated for a Master's degree at the University of Pristina, Faculty of Arts, in Painting.
Jona Dividi is the founder and Executive Director of the "Tirana Art" Center. During the period 2011-2013, she was Head of Department and Professor at the Faculty of Arts, UK, in Tirana. She worked as an Evaluation Expert for University Programs at: APAAL, (Public Higher Education Accreditation Agency). Organizer of "Tirana Art Colony", international activity from 2010.
Representative of Albania in Stockholm, Sweden 2001 (Appreciated by the Swedish Queen for sculpture). Curator and organizer of various activities, inside and outside Albania. Participant and representative of Albania in various artistic exhibitions and activities, national and international, such as in Albania, Kosovo, USA, Sweden, China, Italy, Egypt, France, Greece, Spain, Jordan, Kosovo, Cyprus, Turkey, etc.
Jona has contributed her works to many exhibitions at the National Art Gallery in Albania and abroad. She has 10 personal exhibitions and has participated in more than 150 joint exhibitions and art symposium with national and international character. During her artistic creativity and other professional engagements, she has been awarded several times with different prizes and has realized many projects in different fields of visual art.
Jona Dividi has been one of the first initiators in Albania who has contributed to education through art, a human rights activist, since 2001, realizing and involving not only young people but all public opinion in important causes that affect Albanian society, developing activities in different cities of Albania, on preserving the values of history, heritage, art, culture, etc.