Sami Rafi (Egypt)

Professor in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Cairo .

Ex- Head of Decor Department in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University .

1957 Diploma from the High Institute of Art Education - Cairo.

1958 Demonstrator at the Faculty of Fine Arts  in Cairo.

1966 Diploma in stage settings from the   Academy of Arts in Vienna, Austria.

1962 -1967 Scholarship to Austria. He had a year-long work in Vienna Opera House.

1953 -1975 exhibited widely in major art exhibitions in Egypt and abroad. His works are part of art collections in the Museum of Egyptian Modern Art in Cairo, the museum of the Faculty of Fine Arts, the museum of the stage settings and decor at arts the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo, the Museum of Fine Art in Alexandria, the Cairo Opera House, «Cairo's international Conference Centre», and private art collections in Austria and Germany.

Sami Rafi's artistic career witnessed a major change in 1975 when he unveiled art appealing to the taste of the masses. His extraordinary achievements were represented by the admirable Memorial to the Unknown Soldier, which rises majestically 32 metres high in the Nasr City district in northern Cairo.

From 1995 to 2001, Rafi achieved the 3250 square metres frescoes, which adorn the walls of Cairo Underground's 19 stations.

In 2002 he was commissioned to design and execute the base of the obelisk of King Ramses II in front of Cairo International Airport.

Rafi also designed the stage settings and scenery of the Opera Aida performed at el-Gomhuria Threatre downtown in Cairo in 1984, the stage settings and scenery of Opera Mme Butterfly also played at the same theatre in 1983 the stage settings and scenery of operetta «Life of the Artist» at the doomed Khedive Opera, House in Cairo in 1970 rafi's admirable achieve-ments also included ceramic featured  on the external walls of Luxor airport in 2006. In the meantime, he brilliantly reduced the large-scale and open-ended mediums his achievements to 19 commemorative stamps, 15 posters and book covers. Last year, Sami Rafi set the example for contemporary Egyptian artists when scholar Maha Farouk Abdel-Rahman was awarded her PhD for her thesis «The Extraordinary Creative Vision of Artistic Works Appealing to the Masses in connection with Sami Rafi's Achievements»